I often go for walks with the girls and my dog. When I am alone and I can't handle the twins any longer, I pack them up into their car seats. I bundle them up. I take the stroller outside. I put the leash on my trusty pooch. I open the door and let the hound out and I pick up both seats and struggle out the door. I put them down while I lock the door. Then I snap them into our awesome stroller and get ready to go.
The twins love it in the stroller. When they are awake they take in the scenery with wonder. Most of the time they drift off to sleep. I truck down the sidewalk waiting for my dog to take a dump. Fall is a great time for walking because the weather isn't too hot, and not too cold. I love it.
As I cruise down the sidewalks I encounter all types of people. Most say nothing. But those who do, seem to always say the same thing.
"You've got your hands full." they say as I pass by. I smile and say something like, "You're right.", or if I am feeling sarcastic, "This is a piece of cake."
I've got my hands full? No shit people! I am not carrying several packages home from the supermarket. I have two infants and a dog and I am alone.
They should say, "Looks like you've got your LIFE full." Because that is what I have.