Our local movie theater has a weekly promotion called Baby Reels. At 11AM every Wednesday you can bring your infant to the movies. They keep the lights on low and provide changing tables and milk warmers. It is pretty fantastic when you can go out to the movies after being stuck inside covered in puke, piss and shit all week.
They have a website where they post three movies and the parents get to vote on what they want to see. It should say mothers vote here because on most occasions I am the only dude in the joint, not counting boy babies of course.
I get a lot of stares when I stroll in. Not only do I have a penis, but I am double fisted in the car seat department. Everyone brings their baby in their car seat and puts them on the chair next to them. We have twins, so all four of us go every Wednesday.
It doesn't matter what is playing. I can always tell what is going to be chosen though. If it is a chick flick, I guarrentee it will be on. No chance of an action movie ever playing. They don't care at all if there is mature content. If they tried to play a kids movie there would be a revolt.
A few weeks ago we were all settled and had finished watching the previews and waited for the film to start. It was "I don't know how she does it!" As soon as I saw the preview I knew it would be chosen. After 5 minutes, the screen is still black. The usher comes in and tells us that there is a problem with the projector and they can't play the movie! The can play "The Lion King 3D"!
What the Fuck? Or we had the option to pack up our shit and go to another theater and watch the movie we thought we were going to see. Almost everyone got up to go to the other theater. My wife and I got our money back. I didn't want to see that movie anyway.
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