Friday, September 16, 2011

An Example of Motherly Sacrifice

My wife and I were walking our twins last week.  We have an awesome stroller that is very high tech. It takes both infant car seats at the same time.  They snap in very easily.  It has been a real sanity saver because we have been able to go out for at least one walk a day, and often two.

The summer has been wonderful where we live.  We were walking down the sidewalk when my wife did something amazing.

She pushes the stroller and I take our dog.  As she pushed a bee came into her path.  Without thinking about what she was doing my wife, on some basic animal instinct, let go of the stroller and darted backwards away from the bee. It was fight or flight, and she chose flight.  The stroller drifts harmlessly down the sidewalk unattended.  My wife's brain suddenly clicks in and she lunges to grab hold of the handle and bring the vehicle back under control.

I had visions of the scene in Speed where Sandra Bullock's character hits the stroller with the bus, but is relieved to find out there were only cans inside.

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